"It is possible to die from eating. But I think to be professional means you don't die." (Takeru Kobayashi)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


21 days down, 21 to go in my meatless Lent challenge. My feast starts at sundown on Thursday, March 20. That's how the Roman Catholics do it and if it's good enough for Mel Gibson, it's good enough for me.

I still haven't decided what my first meat meal will be, but I'm positive it will be beef. Since Beau and I might be on the road headed to Florida at sundown on March 20, it may have to be something fast. Maybe something flame broiled? Maybe a Triple Whopper with cheese? Maybe two Triple Whoppers with cheese? Oh God, I can feel a meat hallucination coming on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are they still serving Quad-Stackers?

I'll have 2!

11:05 AM

Blogger A-Bomb said...

Even if they aren't, 2 + 2 = 4 (or substitute your desired formula)

4:05 PM

Blogger Carey said...

Dave, who won the pizza contest today?

4:33 PM


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