"It is possible to die from eating. But I think to be professional means you don't die." (Takeru Kobayashi)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


There are no words to describe how unbelievably hungry this picture makes me. I feel an uncontrollable urge to grab this cheesesteak, bury my face in it and make strange animal-like sounds while I eat it. Hopefully we'll see some cheesesteaks like this on Saturday. (Thanks to Billy at Super Sized Meals for this pic.)

I plan to keep score during this weekend's tour, rating the quality of each cheesesteak and each restaurant. I'll print extra scorecards in case anyone else wants to do the same, but here's the criteria I'll be using (inspired by a similar effort from the Hungover Gourmet):

Quality of beef
Quality of bun
Overall quality of cheesesteak
Overall restaurant atmosphere/service

I feel like there should be more criteria, but I'm drawing a blank. Any suggestions?


Blogger Carey said...

with cheesesteaks, quantity is as important. That steak there is average, about the same meat, if not a little more, than at Pat's. There are places where the meat to bread ratio is higher, and that should be a scorecard item

12:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Usually I look to see if its from Tony Luke's. Thats usually a good indicator of if its awesome.

5:11 PM

Blogger SupersizedMeals.com said...

There should be a "food porn" score... how greasy/dirty/delicious it looks, and whether the grease and/or cheese reflects in the flash light. You've covered all the quality aspects of the Cheesesteak, but I think you're missing the "X" factor of it.

Best food tour idea evar!!! I so wish I could go with you guys!!!

7:19 PM

Blogger Carey said...

I am sure Dave will have plenty of photos and blog material that would allow you to relive it. It would also be great to see the whole spread on the supersizedmeals website, like the Dennys coverage.

9:34 PM

Blogger Dave S. said...

I like the meat-to-bun ratio idea. That'll will be added to the score card. And the food porn score is good too. That one will be decided after the tour by looking at the pics. I'm going to take a picture of each sandwich before I dig in. I'll probably leave the judging of that category up to all of you once you see the pics.

8:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm... I'll be in the D.C. area Friday night.

Might take some convincing, but "the old ball and chain" may approve a visit to Philadelphia.

Philadelphia Cheesesteak Tour vs. D.C. Cherry Blossoms?

8:53 AM

Blogger Dave S. said...

Cheesesteaks or cherry blossoms? That's no choice at all! We're meeting at Jim's on 4th and South at 11 a.m.. If you miss us there, call me (you've got my #) and meet up with us.

1:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck the blossoms you pansy. Go eat some steak! Sorry but that needed to be said....Carry on.

2:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are cherry blossoms along 76 just drive around there.

4:10 PM

Blogger Dave S. said...

We can go to a strip club after the tour and have a few beers. You might see some cherry blossoms in there too.

5:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lizzie: i'm gonig to go & drink a lot of beer
Derek Payne: okay.

Lizzie: you'll do the cheesesteak crawl, i'll do a beer crawl
Lizzie: deal?
Derek Payne: sounds good to me!
Derek Payne: bet I can eat more samiches than you can drink beers!
Derek Payne: post it on Megamunch's blog. he'll love the idea!
Lizzie: and if I puke on king tut, it's your fault
Derek Payne: CE's hottest !
Derek Payne: we'll make the news tho

10:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the club... it's going down!

10:54 AM

Blogger Dave S. said...

AWESOME! Meet at Jim's on S. 4th and South Street at 11 a.m.

Call me if you're going to be late or something. I'll probably be there around 10:30.

12:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The wife and I are planning on stopping by. Looking forward to it.

7:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tut, there is a 14 scoop ice cream challenge 10 minutes from Jim's. If you are down we can go head to head for the title of Philly's greatest Wing Tut!!!

7:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wish I could've made it, but turns out Liz was kinda sick and I didn't want to put her through the torture of a 3 hour drive, etc.

Next Philly tour, I promise!

12:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shit, over slept. Called Invader, but don't have anyone elses number.... Hmmm. It is almost one pm. I am trying to guess where you guys are. Hopefully I will find out.

12:56 PM

Blogger Dave S. said...

Damn, we need to all exchage numbers! I was driving into Philly, on schedule to arrive at 10:30 am and then hit some nasty traffic about 20 miles outside the city and didn't end up arriving until 11:30. I didn't have Carey or Pete's number either, but Carey ended up calling me at 11:15.

Sorry we missed you Tut and Savage. There'll be other tours. The North Philly Cheesesteak Tour, a trip to Tony Luke's for the Big Daddy Burger and a trip to the pizza shop on South Street (across from Jims) to take down the 30 inch pizza.

9:20 AM

Blogger Carey said...

What kind've president doesn't have people's numbers? Did you at least save mine to your phone yet?

3:12 PM


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