"It is possible to die from eating. But I think to be professional means you don't die." (Takeru Kobayashi)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I was in Lancaster this past weekend and stopped by the Hershey Farm Restaurant, better known as the site of the annual Whoopie Pie Festival and whoopie pie eating contest. A flyer inside said the "amateur whoopie pie eating contest" would be held during the festival on September 20, a full month earlier than last year's contest.

I'm not sure if they emphasized the "amateur" requirement last year (I think they did), but seeing as how my career winnings total a whopping $25, I'm pretty sure I qualify. While I was there, I snapped a few pictures of some goats.

LANCASTER - Goat 024


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't believe it is almost that time of year again. It'll be Christmas before you know it. Ok, so, I called Hershey Farms to touch base regarding the Whoopie contest and my eligibility regarding the whole 'amatuer' listing and all. I have not received a call back but I will be there.

I don't imagine I'll be able to top 07's number but hope to come close. They may change the pie size again this year which will also be a deciding factor. If they are the big ones (they do sell some huge ass ones) then I"ll be tempted to bring my scale just in case.

I've already talked with a few of the UEPa'ers about attendance with 1 not being able to show. Perhaps my rematch against MegaMunch will be granted???

2:40 PM

Blogger Dave S. said...

Oh, I'll be there Hickman. And I've been training, which means I plan to beat you by at least five pies.

4:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to go this year as well. How accessible is it by public transportation?

10:49 PM

Blogger Dave S. said...

Not very. If you catch the Amtrak into Harrisburg, you can catch a ride with me if you'd like.

1:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're the best, Dave! :oD

8:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys, I cant wait for this years contest. I'm James from last year (I was the guy who also ate 30 pies last year). Hope to run into all you guys again, that was fun last year. Hey if anybody needs a trip from the Lancaster train station let me know.

2:31 PM


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