THE CIRCUIT (Episode 1): "Hunger Strikes"
I've discovered a program that lets you create your own comic strips based on a somewhat limited series of interchangable characters and background settings so I made this one. It's about a guy who leaves his old life behind to pursue a career in competitive eating. I'll create new ones from time to time and some of them might actually be humorous (but no promises).
Hey munch - love the cartoon, but this offer from asdffdsa, right above, sounds almost too good to pass up!!!
9:19 AM
will there be nudity?
12:22 PM
Perhaps some nudity. And maybe a little of that docking stuff Deep Dish is so crazy about. Who knows.
1:43 PM
so did you learn to eat like this in the Nav?
howdy, welcome to the bubbleblogger sphere!
i've linked your site, so that means you have to post a couple of seastories now and then, or else, no twinkies.
11:34 PM
Sea stories...well, they'll have to be food related, of course. I'll see what I can cook up.
10:19 AM
wait. wait.
let me get this straight.
i can gift 5k worth of nudity?
i'll be making the cartoon of your past life in paralllel and it'll probably be funnier.
9:13 PM
In my past life I was a cheesesteak, so I guess that could be funny.
(And yes, you can reincarnated as inatimate uncle is a crock pot in my aunt's kitchen and every time she makes chili, he talks to her. I haven't heard him, but that's what she says.)
7:49 AM
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