"It is possible to die from eating. But I think to be professional means you don't die." (Takeru Kobayashi)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hate mail is better than no mail!

This is crazy and funny and a little scary (but mostly crazy and funny) all wrapped into one menacing anti-fan letter.

Andrew "Skinnyboy" Lane -- the 36th ranked competitive eater in the world and an all-around stand-up guy from Denver whom I had the pleasure of competing against in the World Pizza Championship in DC a few months ago -- recently competed in the World Kolache Eating Championship at the Nebraska State Fair.

Apparently some guy read about the contest and then realized that Skinnyboy also lived in the Mile High City and decided to give him a call. He basically ranted to Skinnyboy about gluttony being a mortal sin and how competitive eaters are all going to hell and a bunch of other stuff that encourages me to vote Democrat in the next election. Then this guy sat around for a few hours after the call (I'm assuming) and thought of all kinds of "really clever insults" and "things he shoulda said during the call" (my random quotes) because he later wrote a letter to Skinnyboy, which you can see below.

Like Skinnyboy, I'm a little confused by Coach Steve's accusation that Skinnyboy "sounded like something between Paris Hilton and the Three Stooges". I'm having trouble imagining that cross-generational combination of personalities. Knowing Skinnyboy, I can see Paris Hilton and the Marx Brothers, but not Larry, Moe and Curly. Maybe he meant Lindsay Lohan and Three Stooges. Or Britney Spears and the Smother's Brothers. Who knows.


Blogger Dave S. said...

Extra money? You could give competitive eating a chance. Or you could give up being a spamming piece of shit and get a real job.

(I know they won't see my reply, but that felt good.)

6:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

He says that, but "coach" would love to have kobe, janus, mih, or crazy legs on his team along with others. They're amazing athletes, but he's to ignorant to look around.

11:42 PM

Blogger steakbellie said...

not surprisingly this guy sells books on how to raise children on his website.

a google search also will come up with an article for a man with the same name and town who tried to make it illegal for bars to have a 'ladies nite'

loser with too much time.

9:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and dropping a comment. That's bizarre about the gluttony hate-mail to Skinnyboy. If anything, I'm taking much better care of myself with my little dabbles into competitive eating. More frequent exercising, watching what I eat versus how it tastes, etc. Yin and yang, I suppose. Competitive eater versus Bible-thumping sin-condemner.

2:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let he who is without CE cast the first stone I suppose.

6:59 PM


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